Love Letter - Keep Being a Leader

Josh Melendez
December 16, 2022
Love Letter - Keep Being a Leader

I have noticed a couple of things since this whole pandemic started. One of the things I have noticed is what people are doing for their health and fitness.

Majority of people fall into three buckets in regards to their health and fitness. Bucket A is the majority of us. Prior to the start of the pandemic, we already made health and fitness a priority and it is our lifestyle. We’ve had to make a few changes and get accustomed to a different routine but we have continued to make health and fitness a priority because it is who we are, we enjoy it and we understand how vital it is for our life’s. Bucket B is for individuals who have realized how important your health and fitness is due to this pandemic. They may be reacting to the situation but they are reacting in a very positive way. They’ve learned that most people who are passing away from COVID-19 have been linked to an existing chronic disease which comes from your lifestyle. They want to do everything they can to protect themselves so they have embraced fitness and are looking to improve their nutrition.

Bucket C represents the individuals we need to continue to lead. These individuals are the ones who have not improved their lifestyle at all, refuse to believe nutrition/fitness will actually help or have stopped doing what they were doing due to change. These individuals include your own friends and family members. It includes your neighbors and your coworkers. We know who they are and we need to continue to help them. These individuals are putting themselves in a very bad position and someone needs to let them know they can be helped. That someone can be you. Continue to post about your health. Continue to voice about what fitness has done for you. Continue to post pictures of your healthy meals. Continue to reach out and tell them to join you in a workout. Continue to message them and call them. Continue to lead all of them.

My thought process has always been this, “If someone is annoyed with me because I’m trying to help them, I can live with that.” Your positive messages are not hurting anyone. Again, your positive messages are not hurting anyone but it can help everyone. And if it helps just one person, it is still all worth it.

So remember y’all, continue to be leaders and use your platform in a positive way. Help those around you and share with them what you know. You can be saving someone’s life.


Josh Melendez

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