Love Letter - Olympic Games and CrossFit Games

Josh Melendez
December 16, 2022
Love Letter - Olympic Games and CrossFit Games

It is incredible what someone can achieve as a human.

As many times as I have seen it, the Olympic Games and CrossFit Games always amaze me. 

Watching both of these games, you get to witness people at the highest level of athleticism, fitness, and focus. We see how incredible the human body can be as they perform in their respective sports. 

World records keep getting broken so that means the bar only continues to raise higher and higher in both the Olympic and CrossFit games. 

But the most amazing thing to me is this, their mind. What their body is doing is because they believe they can do it. Their level of drive and determination is second to none. They had a goal and they went for it regardless of the obstacles they had to overcome. Of course they all want to win the Gold Medal or be crowned "Fittest Man/Woman on Earth" but to just make it to either of those games takes so much belief, effort and work. They did it. Which should give YOU the understanding that YOU can literally do anything you put your mind to. 

The only person who could stop those people from making it to either of the games, was themselves. The only person stopping you from accomplishing what you want, is yourself. Believe in yourself, and you will get there. Give whatever you want your best effort and always have the right attitude.

And before you start thinking these people are "super" humans, remember the Paralympics and Adaptive CrossFit exist which is even MORE amazing! (Watch them, trust me).

In the words of Kevin Garnett, "ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!"


Josh Melendez

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