Love Letter - Bright Spot Friday

Josh Melendez
December 16, 2022
Love Letter - Bright Spot Friday

You’ve all seen the post of “BSF” in Instagram and Facebook each Friday since the first week of January. If you’re in our private FB group, you’ve seen people post their Bright Spot Friday’s.

So why do we do them? 

- Most people don’t have a single positive thought all day.
- Most people are pessimistic.

- Most people are plagued by self-doubt, self-comparison and sarcasm.

- Most people think they will never be happy, because they don’t think they can be. 

There are countless studies that show that our brain is bias towards negative thinking and we can only think positive by doing positive acts purposely. We do the “Bright Spots” exercise every Friday, because you should notice what’s going right or what went right the week prior. You should realize and note that good things do happen to you and for you if you just take the time to notice them. Big or small, it does not matter, good is good. 

We’ve all heard the saying “when it rains it pours”. When something bad happens it seems like everything that can go wrong does. But have you ever thought that maybe it’s because you’re attracting that? Negative thoughts attract negative results. Positive thoughts attract positive results. So again by practicing Bright Spot Friday, you are writing your positive and getting set for the rest of the day, weekend and week. (I’m not saying nothing bad will ever happen, but this is a great way to keep being positive).

For those of you who have kept up with Bright Spot Friday, keep it up! For those of you who fell off and stopped posting your Bright Spot Friday, let’s get back on the wagon. For those of you who have yet to post, I highly encourage you to start posting.

It does not have to be a huge list. Start with just one thing and then go from there.

Stay Positive,


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