Love Letter - Your Comeback Story

Josh Melendez
December 16, 2022
Love Letter - Your Comeback Story

America absolutely loves a comeback story. Think about how fired up we get when we watch a movie such as Rocky. We like to picture ourselves as Rocky Balboa overcoming multiple obstacles and earning our victory. We imagine how great that feeling would be and wish it could be us someday. Well, now is the day. Now is the time to write your comeback story.

Today officially marks the start of the second half of 2020. What does this mean to you? You get to write your comeback story from the first 6 months of 2020. We all are going through it together. We all have been dealing with the same issues. We all feel deflated and overwhelmed. We all are ready to turn the page and start 2021 already. But that is not going to be your story. Your story is going to be about triumph and success despite of what is going on around you. You will be Rocky Balboa, you will be the Cleveland Cavaliers overcoming a 3-1 series deficit in the NBA Finals, you will be Bethany Hamilton returning to surfing after losing an arm from a shark attack. 

How do you do this? By controlling and focusing on your attitude, effort and drive. If you do this, there is no stopping you. If you do this, you will have the comeback story you have been looking for. We have all been punched in the face and in the gut, now how will you respond? 

The choice is up to you, but remember this, you're not alone. You have 5 coaches on your side (Mike, Neema, Tony, Lynn and Myself) plus all of your fellow athletes. You have one hell of a support group to ensure you have your comeback story. 


Josh Melendez

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